*Originally Posted April 14, 2008*
China is such a joke (albeit a powerful one). After getting the green light for hosting the Olympics years ago, they were told that they would need to address those pesky human right issues, which they've obviously refused. Now the world is up in arms about the Olympics, asking for boycotts of the Opening Ceremonies or the games entirely. I say we skip the beginning, then show up with Micheal Phelps and Allyson Felix and humiliate the Chinese. For the first time in years, the human rights dilemma in Tibet is overshadowing every celebrity's favorite mess, Darfur. George Clooney must be furious. The coolest thing about Tibet has to be the Dalai Lama. FUN FACT: While only 7 years old, a time when we are in first grade playing pog hockey, the Dalai Lama is receiving envoys from FDR with crucial transportation strategies involving World War II. He is currently in exile.
THIS WEEK'S NEWS OF THE WEIRD (brought to you by newsoftheweird.com)
Krystal Evans, 26, and Denise McClure, 24, rifled through packages on a DHL delivery truck in December in Crescent City, Calif., looking for their urine samples headed for the lab because they were certain theirs would test positive, which would have meant their return to jail. The driver summoned police, and the women were arrested for destroying evidence and violating their probation and in March were convicted and could face two years in prison. Evans' original sample turned out to be clean, after all, but during the December arrest, she tested positive for methamphetamine. [Times-Standard (
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